Aristotle’s Politics is not only famous for its theory of constitutions, but for its statements about human nature. According to the central claim of Aristotle’s political anthropology, man is by nature a political animal (phusei politikon zôon). This famous statement is presented as the conclusion of the first set of arguments that Aristotle develops in the second chapter of book I of the Politics (Pol., I, 2, 1252a24–1253a3). Aristotle’s statement is inextricably linked with the claim that the polis exists by nature (phusei), which he mentions in the same phrase, as part of his conclusion: “From these considerations it is evident that the polis is one of the things that exist by nature, and that man is by nature a political animal” (Pol., I, 2, 1253a1–3). Evidently, the claims that the polis exists by nature and that man is by nature a political animal are complementary.
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