Editorial Policy

Editorial & Disclosure Policy

At Isagoge, our goal is to unite readers and researchers through academically and scientifically qualified articles. Below, you can find more information on how we may be compensated through our content.

Our journal is not financed by funding agencies or public institutions. To be an open access journal for its readers and free publication for its authors, we recommend relevant books through promotional links to receive small commissions that help the non-profit maintenance of the editorial life of Isagoge.

Authors of articles published in Isagoge do not benefit from commissions received by Isagoge and/or its editors. Authors of articles published in Isagoge  must agree to the editorial and disclosure policy for promotional links in content published by Isagoge.

The editors of Isagoge are affiliate of some online services and products, especially those aimed at spreading culture and science. Our goal is to provide the very best free content with a service that is funded by the programs we are affiliated with.

Links on this website and contents (posts and articles) may be affiliate links and the editors may earn commissions for purchases that are made by visitors to the site. These are promotional links that can be used to track a visitor’s purchase and credit it to Isagoge's editors.

Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer

Isagoge's editors are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

FTC Affiliate Disclaimer

Isagoge's editors get commissions for purchases made through links in journal, articles and posts.