1. Aims and Scope
Isagoge - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (eISSN 2763-7123) is a scholarly journal that aims to advance knowledge and understanding in the field of humanities and social sciences. Isagoge is published online by Telos Publicações e Serviços Ltda with open access and peer-reviewed policies.
The journal's main objectives are:
- To promote and disseminate innovative research and ideas in the humanities and social sciences.
- To foster interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of knowledge across diverse disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.
- To support and mentor early career researchers and emerging scholars in the field.
- To provide a venue for the critical examination and discussion of current trends and debates in the humanities and social sciences.
- To contribute to the advancement of knowledge and inform public policy and decision-making by offering new perspectives and understanding of the world, human society, and culture.
Isagoge's focus and scope encompass a broad range of humanities and social sciences disciplines, including but not limited to history, literature, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, political science, cultural studies, law, and related interdisciplinary fields. The journal invites submissions of studies that use various research designs, such as experimental, descriptive, inferential analysis, correlational, observational, action research, and case studies analyzed with qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods techniques.
Articles are not limited to any research method, methodology, or theoretical framework, but should be based on rigorous analyses that present new knowledge about how people learn and/or how learning can be supported and enhanced. Manuscripts should carefully describe the methods used and justify their appropriateness to the research questions that are posed in the article.
The journal is committed to publishing high-quality research articles, as well as systematic reviews of the literature, that advance the field of humanities and social sciences. Isagoge does not accept non-systematic literature reviews, non-systematic discussions, undergraduate or graduate monographs dissertations, educational proposals, or technical notes.
All articles are viewable immediately upon publication. As an open-access journal, there are no fees or subscriptions necessary to access any article published in Isagoge, as described in our Open Acess Policy.
2. Publication frequency
Isagoge - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences has been publishing research and scholarly articles in the field of humanities and social sciences since its inception. From 2021 to 2022, the journal published eight issues.
From 2023 onwards, the journal will be published on a continuous publication basis. With this new publishing model, in which one issue per volume will be published continuously, Isagoge aimed at ensuring that the journal stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and provides its readers with the most current and relevant information. In this way, Isagoge will contribute more and more to the authors who entrust the journal with their academic and scientific work.
With this new publishing model, Isagoge is poised to continue to be a valuable source of knowledge and research in the field of humanities and social sciences.
3. Estimated times currently in our journal
Estimated time frames for paper submissions in Isagoge are as follows:
- Reception and desk rejection: papers will be reviewed for initial eligibility within approximately 1 week of submission.
- Evaluation: if the paper passes the initial review, it will then be subject to further evaluation, which can take approximately 2-3 months.
- Publication of accepted papers: if the paper is accepted after evaluation, it can be published within approximately 1-2 months. The publication scheme for this journal is continuous, meaning that papers will be published as soon as they are ready, rather than in a specific issue or volume.
4. Preservation and Identification of Information
Isagoge uses the following systems and protocols: OAI-PMH, LOCKSS, and the repository of CLOCKSS, interoperability protocol: https://www.telosjournals.com.br/ojs/index.php/isa/oai
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems and the OAI-PMH protocol to create a distributed archive system among participating libraries and permits them to create permanent archives for preservation and restoration.
Isagoge is an open-access journal with a repository policy that allows authors to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or another repository of their choice. Authors have the right to make their article publicly available according to the terms of the CC BY license: CC BY-NC-ND. Authors who publish their work under the CC BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license retain the copyright to their work. The CC BY-NC-ND license allows for the distribution and sharing of the work, but with certain restrictions. For more information about the Creative Commons license check out our Open Access Policy.
5. Paper Submission Process and Editor's Rejection
All submissions must be made through the journal's Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Submissions received via email will not be accepted.
Compliance with the specified format and utilization of the official template is mandatory. Previously rejected papers or revised versions thereof will not be considered.
During the initial stage, the editor will verify that the submission meets the required conditions and conduct a preliminary review of the paper's quality with regard to writing style, sections, citation format, and other relevant aspects. Modifications may be requested, or, in some cases, the proposal may be rejected (desk rejection).
The outcome of this stage will be communicated to the submitting author. If the paper is deemed to meet the initial conditions, the process of identifying suitable reviewers will commence.
6. Peer review process
Our journal employs a blind peer review strategy, where two external reviewers evaluate the submissions without knowing the identity of the authors. Reviewers are selected anonymously to maintain objectivity. Please refer to the Peer Review Process section for more information.
The reviewers provide a summary of the reasons for their evaluation, but their decision is not exhaustive. The peer review evaluation is only one factor in this decision, and the publication is contingent on all observations and corrections being made. The final decision is made by the journal's Editor-in-Chief and is final.
7. Indexation
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
WorldCat Digital Colection (OCLC)
8. Article submission
If you want to submit an article, please create an account and follow the directions on the Submissions page.
9. Additional questions
For additional questions please contact editors and/or publisher at [email protected]